Energy efficiency is very important both in science and everyday life. If different electronic devices work together, for example for solving a control task together, they have to communicate with each other. An everyday life example are room temperature controllers using radio communication between a battery-powered temperature sensor and a heating actuator. This communication often needs more energy than the operation of the actual (electronic) functionality of the components. More energy-efficient than the commonly used periodic sampling is event-based sampling, due to the reduction of the message rate. Send-on-delta sampling is the most widely-known kind of event-based sampling. In that case, the value of the controlled variable (e.g. the room temperature) is not transmitted equidistantly but only when it has changed by a specific amount. The most successful controller in practice is the PID controller. The most so-called “PID controllers” do not use the D part (differential action) for several reasons and can therefore be called “PI controllers”. This work analyses systematically how the parameters of a PI controller should be tuned to reach besides a high control quality also a good exploitation of the advantages of send-on-delta sampling regarding network load reduction and energy efficiency. The “weighting” of these partially contradicting criteria is application specifically adjustable.
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BibTeX reference
author = {Hensel, Burkhard},
title = {{Einstellung von PI-Reglern bei Send-on-Delta-Abtastung - Regelkreisoptimierung unter Berücksichtigung von Energieeffizienz, Netzlast und Regelgüte}},
advisor = {Kabitzsch, Klaus},
location = {Dresden, Germany},
month = {December},
referee = {Kabitzsch, Klaus and Frey, Georg},
school = {Technische Universität Dresden},
type = {PhD Thesis},
url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-231478},
year = {2017},
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