Status: attic
Cooperative Collision Avoidance for UAVs
MA: Master's Thesis (or Diploma Thesis / Diplomarbeit)

In the current trends in smart cities and industry 4.0, UAVs are playing an increasingly important role. For example, UAVs can be used for very short-term deliveries. This can refer to medicines, but also to goods for everyday use. Accordingly, the number of UAVs in the air may increase sharply. However, with an increased number of UAVs, collisions also become more likely and must be avoided accordingly.
Goals of the thesis
This thesis will investigate approaches for cooperative collision avoidance for UAVs. The first step is to develop a realistic scenario where UAVs are exposed to a real risk of collision. In the second step, a cooperative collision avoidance approach needs to be developed. The collision-free nature of the approach has to be proven by simulation studies. For this purpose, appropriate metrics have to be defined, implemented and evaluated. Performance investigations will be building on Veins, an open-source vehicular network simulation framework that can simulate wireless networks of cars, and The INET Framework, an open-source model suite for the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator.
C++, Network Simulation, Drones