Project Group on CMS: Cooperative Urban Transport Environment (CUTE) 2018w [PG]
L.079.07021, Winter 2018/2019 and Summer 2019
Course details
This master course will be held in English and all the course material is available in English.
- Introduction slides (pdf, v2)
This project group is a mix of simulations, real hardware experiments, and protocol design. The objective is to implement a simulator for the GoPiGo3 robotics kits and to validate the simulator in a simple intersection maneuver assistance application for cooperative autonomous cars.
First, the simulator needs to be implemented based on key characteristics, behaviors and functions of the physical robotics kits. Furthermore, it is important to be able to model the physical layout of the scenario. This mainly includes obstacles. The simulator will be implemented in Python, which is also used for the GoPiGo3 hardware programming - so in the end it an application will be able to run (without any changes) in either the simulator or on a real robot. For this, it is also important to be able to use sensors in the simulators: our current setup of the GoPiGo robots has line following and distance sensors.
Second, a simple intersection maneuver assistance application will be designed. Robots will meet at an intersection, coordinate among each other who can go first and when, and then cross the intersection without crashing (and, ideally, without having to stop).

Many thanks for the critical and helpful evaluation!
Additional Questions
- Did you like the first group assignments?
- Should there be a strict hierarchy in the project group?
- Should there be more specific tasks for each individual member?
- Should there be a more stringent monitoring of individual contributions?
Evaluation (Semester 2, Part 2)
Additional Questions
- Should we enforce the strict hierarchy we set up in the beginning throughout the whole duration of the project group?
- Was allowing the project group to self-manage (e.g., task allocation and working groups) a good decision?
12 October 2018, 09:00-11:00 (c.t.), F1.406, First meeting, topic assignment for µ-Seminar and scheduling (Weekly meetings, lab day, ...)
19 October 2018, 09:00-11:00 (c.t.), F1.406, µ-Seminar
26 October 2018, 09:00-11:00 (c.t.), F1.406, µ-Seminar
Starting from November 2018, 09:00 - 11:00 (c.t.), F1.406, weekly meeting
Starting from November, F1.541 (Aquarium) / F1 Pool / FU.108 (Radio Lab), Lab day
Starting from 10 April 2019: (additional) weekly meeting on Wednesdays, 11-13h, F1.406 - to be discussed there: cancel Friday meeting?