Cooperative Mobile Systems 2020w [CMS 2020w]
(2/2/0) INF-04-FG-SOI, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-VERT1, IST-05-FG-SOI, Winter 2020/2021
- ⏰ Time and Date: Tuesdays, 3. DS (lecture) and 4. DS (labs)
- 📦 Format: 🎙️ web meeting, 📁 slide/sheet download, 💬 chat
- 🧰 Prerequisites: see section “Prerequisites”
- 👋 Web meeting links: see section “Web Meeting Links”
- 💬 Questions? Comments? Join the discussion in our Matrix Room
Vehicle-to-everything communication can serve as the basis for novel applications enabling cooperation among mobile systems of the future. Trucks, cars, bikes, pedestrians, and cities are all part of such a system. This course will cover the basis and the application of communication concepts to the design of such cooperative mobile systems. A practical part covers the application of learned theroetical concepts to the design of novel cooperative mobile systems, as well as the study of such systems via simulative performance evaluation.
This class will have substantial online components. To be able to join, you must be able to make use of
- your university e-mail mailbox, reading its messages daily
(e.g., by configuring it to forward to your private mailbox) - OPAL and associated services, reading its messages daily
(e.g., by configuring e-mail notifications) - web chat systems, particularly Matrix
- web video conferencing systems, particularly via BigBlueButton (Test Room)
- a virtual machine, e.g., using Oracle VM VirtualBox
Before enrolling, please try these out and contact us if you do not fulfill these requirements.
Beyond this, there are no formal prerequisites for joining. Still, certain background knowledge is not taught in this course, but assumed for all of lecture, labs, and exams.
- You should have a background (or the willingness to learn) computer networking with a focus on wireless as well as fundamental knowledge of applied statistics.
- For the labs, simulations will be designed, written (in C++), and run (on Linux systems). For this, both programming and computer skills are essential.
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to understand how vehicle-to-everything communication can serve as the basis for applications enabling cooperation among trucks, cars, bikes, pedestrians, and cities. They will also be able to apply this knowledge to the design of future cooperative mobile systems - both in theory and in practice.
General Information / Methods
This course will be held in English (German, if universally preferred) and all the course material is available in English. The teaching platform for this course is OPAL.
For participation, two alternatives will be offered in parallel:
- All slides along with written commentary will be made available online for download and asynchronous learning. Links will be published here.
- All slides will be presented in a weekly interactive live stream for synchronous learning. The streaming platform is the TU Dresden BigBlueButton instance, with Zoom as a fall-back. Times and dates as well as links will be published here.
Questions? Comments? Join the discussion in our Matrix Room or add a post to our OPAL forum!
Oral examination (by appointment). Successful completion of all labs is a prerequisite for taking the exam.
- Lecture: Christoph Sommer
- Labs: Burkhard Hensel
See slide deck on organization below. This course consists of lectures and labs. The lecture covers theoretical parts of the course, the labs cover practical parts.
Web Meeting Links
Web Meetings are taking place every Tuesday, 3. DS (11:10 to 12:40, lecture) and 4. DS (13:00 to 14:30, labs) In case of technical difficulties, please check the Matrix room.
- 📅 Week 1 (27 Oct 2020): BigBlueButton (lecture), BigBlueButton (labs)
- 📅 Week 2 (03 Nov 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 3 (10 Nov 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 4 (17 Nov 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 5 (24 Nov 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 6 (01 Dec 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 7 (08 Dec 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 8 (15 Dec 2020): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 9 (05 Jan 2021): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 10 (12 Jan 2021): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 11 (19 Jan 2021): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 12 (26 Jan 2021): BigBlueButton
- 📅 Week 13 (02 Feb 2021): BigBlueButton
- 00-org-with-notes.pdf - Organization
- more: see OPAL
- installation.pdf - Installation
- sheet0.pdf - Sheet 0: Installation & TicToc
- more: see OPAL
Christoph Sommer and Falko Dressler, Vehicular Networking, Cambridge University Press, 2014. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
Averill M. Law, Simulation, Modeling and Analysis, ed. 4, Singapore, Singapore, McGraw-Hill, 2007. [BibTeX, Details...]
Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying Ye, Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, ed. 9 (international), Pearson, 2012. [BibTeX, Details...]
Further Material